Let the 2011 Season Begin, errrr, ummm, yea.

04/06/2011 20:08

Realizing this bicycle racing is kinda fun.  I started cycling as a Cat III mixed in with the Cat I and II ladies.  It makes for a good challenge and even placed 4th overall grabbing 4 out of the 5 primes in the last event entered!!

I still like my triathlons though (Desert Tri 2011 Realy with the wonderful Heather and Teresa)...

And the running thing is coming back around..

Well, until this sciatic nerve of mine was pinched last week causing my leg to go numb while racing a 5k... no joke.

To the doc I go...

So the season goes on and so does life.... 

But seriously, there's bigger problems that need to be addressed... such as the victims of tragedy in Japan.

Find your gently used shoes a new home by dropping them off at your local store partnered up with Soles4Souls!

Let the healing begin, again!!!



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